Ceramic polishing is the process of achieving a high luster finish through the use of large vibratory tumblers, rather than with traditional hand tools and semi-automatic machines by a human operator.
First, wheels with any existing finish such as paint, powdercoat, or plating are chemically stripped to bare metal. Any spot imperfections in the wheel itself (rash, dings, etc) are addressed by hand at this time.
Next, the wheel is secured inside the first vibratory tumbler for the cutting stage with the most aggressive media and compound. This mimics the effects of a low grit sandpaper and works the surface smooth.
Then, the wheel is moved to the next tumbler with finer media to further smooth out high and low spots and prepare it for the final finish.
Finally, the wheel enters the finishing tumbler which brings out the highest shine possible with the finest media and compound.

Chrome Plating is a durable and decorative finish that gives a perfect mirror look.
First, the wheels are chemically stripped to bare metal.
Next, any imperfections in the wheel itself (textures, rash, dings, etc) are smoothed via polishing.
Finally, the wheels are run through the 3 stage plating process (copper, nickel, chromium).
If you live in a climate with highly corrosive elements such as road salts, and regularly drive your car in these conditions, and STILL want a shiny finish, we recommend Ceramic Polishing.

Electroless Nickel is a hard wearing and protective finish that is highly resistant to wear and corrosion. Plating delivers a uniform coating that is ideal for parts with intricate curves and details such as brake calipers. The natural protective shell of a plated finish protects the caliper from harsh chemicals and elements found in brake fluid and brake pad compounds.
And finally, the real reason why you might be considering this for your own parts; the jewelry-like decorative finish as well as the warm natural nickel hue.
Electroless Nickel Plating has variable pricing depending on the part or wheel size, complexity, and condition. Send us some photos via e-mail for a quote.

Powder Coating is a highly durable coating with a wide selection of color options.
First, the wheels are chemically stripped to bare metal.
Next, any imperfections in the wheel itself (rash, dings, etc) are addressed.
Finally, the wheels are powdercoated in your desired finish and cured in an oven at 400°.
Powder Coating on a set of 4 wheels or centers starts at $600.